25+ Reasons Why Living By Yourself Is the Best

I’ve lived alone for 12+ years and can’t imagine having it any other way.

In a nutshell, here’s why living alone is the BEST:

living alone is peaceful

1. Peace and quiet

Your home is your refuge.

You don’t have to worry about noisy roommates when you’ve got the place to yourself.

2. Control over décor

The place is yours, so decorate how you like!

If you’ve ever had to deal with meshing your stuff with a roommate with a totally different style, you know how important this is.

When it’s not your stuff, it just doesn’t quite feel like home, right?

3. Control over the temperature

Okay, this is something near and dear to my heart.

I had a roommate who wanted to keep it freezing during the winter. They SAID they were ok with compromising in the middle, but would turn the thermostat way down whenever I left the house.


You can’t be comfortable at home if you’re freezing or sweating your #*(@% off.

4. No unexpected guests

Here’s another roomy issue we’ve probably all experience: unexpected guests showing up when you really need that alone time.

And if you’re in a small place, there’s nowhere to go where you can’t hear them laughing and living it up right outside your door.

No thanks.

5. Everything stays where you left it

If I lose something, at least I know it’s my fault.

If I think about it enough, I’ll probably remember where I left it last.

when living alone, the only dirty dishes are your own

6. The only mess is the one you make

Disgusting dishes piling up in the sink.

Socks left on the floor NEXT to the hamper.

Suspicious puddles in the bathroom.

If you clean it yourself, they’ll just keep doing it. But if you don’t, it’ll stay there forever. Unless you nag them about it, but then you’re a nag.


Just live alone and only deal with your own messes 🙂

7. You can dress how you like

When you’re the only one there, you can dress in comfort (or, you know, not), whatever that means to you.

No worries about anyone walking in on your or complaining.

8. You can watch what you like

Watch Gossip Girl for the 50th time if that’s your thing.

No compromises.

dancing alone at home

9. You can play the music you like

Or sing along to showtunes a little too loud for your neighbors.

(But really, be considerate of your neighbors.)

10. You can have the pets you want

No having to accommodate allergies or phobias.

Get that dog/cat/python/parrot/gerbil/whatever.

11. More storage just for you

You get ALL the closets.

‘Nuff said.

12. You decide on priorities when choosing a place to live

Hate carpet?

Need X number of closets?

Can’t live without quartz countertops or a patio?

YOU get to decide your own dealbreakers.

doing laundry alone

13. No waiting for the shower, washing machine, microwave, etc.

Underrated, but everything is yours the moment you need it.

Think of how all those minutes add up.

14. Come and go whenever you please

Ever had to sneak into your own house because everyone else is already in bed?

When you live by yourself, you can dance into your own home singing, turn on all the lights, and make a grilled cheese or whatever at 3am if you want.

15. Control over the lighting

Speaking of which, lighting is a small thing that makes a big difference to the whole vibe of your place.

When it’s just you, you can control which lights are on/off and when.

16. The entire fridge is yours

No dividing up the shelves (somehow they always get the taller space anyway).

17. No need to label anything (it’s all yours)

Like they’d really “forget” it wasn’t theirs. But whatever, you labeled everything anyway just to be sure.

No need when it’s all yours!

18. You can host friends whenever you want (or not)

Want to throw a party for your birthday, or have some friends over last-minute to binge that show together?

You don’t have to ask permission, just do it.

19. YOU decide if/when to be social

No social interactions will be forced on you.

YOU decide.

20. You can put off chores when you need a break

Not feeling up to doing the dishes tonight?

Leave them in the sink without pissing off anyone but your tomorrow-self.

21. Your roommate can’t leave you high and dry

Ever had a roommate ditch you in a place you couldn’t afford on your own?

It’s nerve-wracking to feel like you might end up homeless.

When you’ve got a place you can afford yourself, you don’t have to put that ultimate trust in someone you may barely know.

22. No unexpected utility bill spikes

You control the heat/lightning/etc., so you can cut back if you need to.

23. No worries about finding the right roommate

Friends make the worst roommates.

But, so do strangers.

toilet paper orientation

24. No arguments over toilet paper roll position or the toilet seat up/down

This is cliché but it’s so maddening.

25. You can become more self-sufficient

If you’re the type to always ask someone for help to fix things, kill that bug, whatever, then living on your own will help you get over that real quick.

26. You get to know yourself better

Living with someone else puts you under a lot of pressure to compromise on a lot of things.

If you don’t know yourself very well, you won’t know what you really want and what’s worth letting go.

Living alone helps you to understand yourself, your needs, and your wants.

If you could live how you like without compromise, what would that look like?

It’s sad how many people can’t answer that question.

27? What are we missing?

Why is living by yourself the BEST? Leave a comment and let me know what I’m missing.

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